27 May 2011

Suddenly it all makes sense

I've been contemplating this cross-Canada craptastic spring weather. There was an interview with one of the Slave Lake residents saying that they're stuck doing nothing and the rest of Canada is "enjoying spring." I'd like to reassure her that no one I know is "enjoying" spring. I think "enduring" is more the right word.

There was this concept in high school English that I never quite got - but it was that thing when the weather mimics the tone of the book. Like, if the characters are depressed, it will be raining outside. I don't think it was pathetic fallacy...Kimm, you probably still have your notes. Look that up for me, would ya?

Temporarily forgetting all the science I know, I think that is what's happening in Canada. I think the weather is reflecting the moods of our people. I only came up with this theory in the shower this morning, so it's not fully formed yet. But it's what I'm going with. Refute away. If you can.


Kimm said...

I do still have my highschool english notes...but if you would stop having me refer back to them I might be able to finally part with them... maybe... I will look it up when I have a free moment.

Kimm said...

Maybe I will scan all the pages... digital copies would take up less physical space :)

Anonymous said...

My dad says it's La Nina. And he's a meteorologist, so ...


Ellie Fish said...

I don't trust weather "science." Too wishy-washy. Also, I'm convinced EC lies in their 5-day forecasts. They're always forecasting a sunny future that never arrives.

Anonymous said...

You just don't trust meteorology because of the way the Weather Channel reports it. Real meteorologists say things like, "39% of the time we've seen similar environmental conditions, the result has been 11mm of precipitation in a 12-hour period over selected regions of the greater Halifax area." The Weather Channel just interprets that probabilistic statement as "OMG NO RAIN TODAY!".
