22 April 2010

Scotland Day 2: Loch Lomond

On our second day in Scotland we drove up to Loch Lomond, which is just north of Glasgow. All the guidebooks said this loch would kick Ness's ass in a Loch-Off, so that's saying something.

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The drive up the Loch was pretty quick, the roads (as I've mentioned before) were tiny, and in some places, tight bends in the road were light-controlled because there wasn't enough space on the road for more than one car at a time.

We had lunch at a beaten-up old pub called, I think, the Stag's Head. Inside was dark and fireplace-smoky. The pub is known for its lax housekeeping. Apparently, they never dust or clean (it's the Pub equivalent of me!). Our table was right next to some scorched rocks from a past fire that had never been replaced. It's also worth saying that the place was packed. Alej began her Haggis Tour of Scotland there. We tried their haggis, which our resident experts told us was bad. It tasted okay to me.
After lunch we saw a couple of waterfalls and scenic spots. We went to the Glengoyne distillery. We had our free taste of Scotch (although they call it whiskey). I knew I didn't like it, but I had it anyway just for confirmation.  I really don't like whiskey. Alej, however, has found a new favourite hard liquor.  

The landscape there is fairy-tale like. All bright green moss and stone bridges and rushing waterfalls. It's absolutely beautiful. Loch Lomond was ridiculously picturesque - every two feet you find something else to take a picture of. (I sent some pictures to my mom and she came back with the comment "it looks like a landscape out of a fairy tale." Yet more proof that my mom & I are actually clones and not just relations).
That night we had homemade spanakopita. Yum!

Now, for a bit of Ellie Trivia. This will come in handy when I'm famous enough to have my own Jeopardy category. The first U2 song I heard in the UK was Where the Streets Have No Name.

There are two many pictures to put up, the rest are here.

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