24 July 2009

Please don't take my sunshine away

There's a Couplandism that goes, "You can’t get mad at weather because weather’s not about you." I was talking to my BFF about the lack of summer we've been having seemingly across the country, and I quoted that to her, and her reply was along the lines of "the hell it isn't." Which pretty much sums up my feelings exactly. I find it incredibly hard not to take the weather personally. Doesn't it always feel like it's always doing what you don't want it to, right when you don't want it to do it?

It feels like we've been living under gloomy cloud cover for a month. Where, I ask you, is summer? Are we no longer a province with four distinct seasons? When did we loose summer? Not that prolonged crappy weather is new to us, as evidenced by this EC forecast from 2004 that I just happened to have saved on my computer (possibly NSFW, depending on your workplace).

This is pretty much how I would describe the last few weeks, and our forecast for the next few.


Kimm-my said...

and I save everything????

Ellie Fish said...

Yes, Kimm. You save everything. I save select things. (You're going to need some huge-ass memory box for my little pseudo-niece-or-nephew).